When do I Change My Rotors?

You will have to orientate by the noises that you hear from the vehicle. Scratching, squealing, grinding indicated that you are probably past due the new rotor or pads installation. Signs like longer stopping distances and pedal travel before a significant braking...

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Steven Fox

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Career Growth for Automotive Technicians

Career Growth for Automotive Technicians

The automotive world is developing together with modern technologies, and the car industry is one of the most progressive today. Therefore, mechanics have plenty chances of finding the job for their skills to evince at their best. Having the right attitude, goals,...
How Often Should I Change Engine Coolant?

How Often Should I Change Engine Coolant?

There is a maintenance schedule for every vehicle where you find useful tips and updates on how often a part of your car should be replaced/upgraded. For some vehicles, it is recommended to drain and flush the engine’s cooling system and change the coolant more...
See If You Are Tire Smart

See If You Are Tire Smart

We are excited to announce a new feature at our shop – you can get a consultation plus learn more about your vehicle. For starters, we decided to go with tires. Anyone can join the course and see if they know enough about the tires on their cars and trucks, and...